Why Should You Get a Mold Inspection?

Mold is usually triggered by water Intrusion.

If you recently had a flooding or are experiencing any water intrusion.

Mold Removal
Mold Removal

We will answer questions and meet with you at your location and convenience.

Call for a mold inspection today at (786) 800-4598 or email us at info@uhsmold.com

Mold is usually triggered by water Intrusion.

If you recently had a flooding or are experiencing any form of water intrusion.

  • If you recently had a flooding or are experiencing any form of water intrusion you need a mold inspection.
  • Your home or office has a musty or earthy odor.
  • If you see structural damage around windows, or on walls or ceilings you need a mold inspection.
  • Structural damage usually shows up in the form of black or green speckled surface stains.
  • If any occupant is experiencing health symptoms or unexplained illness.
  • There are many signs or occurrences that could lead to the presence of mold. This is not an all-inclusive list, and not always visible or apparent.
  • The presence of airborne mold can only be detected by taking an air sample. Mold spores are invisible to the naked eye and in the early stages difficult to detect.
  • It’s important to notice where you feel uncomfortable. If your symptoms are relieved after leaving a particular room or building. the symptoms may be caused by indoor air contaminants within that room.
  • Read below for information on our Free Virtual Home Inspection. This service is limited to homeowners.

We will answer questions and meet with you at your location and convenience. Call us for a mold inspection today at (786) 800-4598.

Virtual Home Inspection

The presence of building damage, musty odors, recently had floor, or see excess water. Or are experiencing medical issues. You possibly or likely have a mold.

You will submit photos of the building damage, along with photos. Provide a description of the building damage and a brief history of how it came about.

The virtual mold inspection is completely free! All you only need is to send us and email with a description of the problems you are having. It’s that simple!

As is the case with a regular inspection, virtual inspection, have benefits and limitations. Read the virtual mold inspection limitations below:

The main limitation for virtual inspection is that we are working with your description and photos. Be as informative and clear as possible. Second limitation is that we will not have any lab results. With an actual physical inspection, we will know if there are mold spores in the air. Third limitation is that we will not be able to tell if there are hyphal fragments in the air. We will not be able to detect the subtle signs of mold presence.

Even with limitations of the virtual mold inspection. it’s a good starting point and will give you limited access to a mold expert.

Mold InspectionsA mold inspection can provide clarity and peace of mind to home owners, property managers, and tenants. Our comprehensive assessments and sampling techniques identify all sources of mold, including toxic black mold.

What is Mold? Mold is a fungus that thrives in most environments that supply moisture and food. Mold can cause a range of problems for your health and the structure of your home. Understanding the connection between water damage and mold growth is crucial to safeguarding your living space. Mold growth poses several risks. It can cause str damage to your home. It can cause health concerns and make your indoor environment uncomfortable.

Health Concerns

Are you or your family members experiencing health issues? Respiratory problems, allergies, or coughing should be of concern. If you get a mold inspection it can help confirm or rule out the presence of mold in your home.

If your home has experienced significant water damage. Usually, a flood or a major water leak. It could benefit you to do a mold test, even without visible signs. Water damage can lead to hidden mold growth behind walls, or floors, or in other areas.

Strong Musty Odors

Persistent musty odors often tell us of the presence of mold. A mold test can help locate areas affected by mold growth if you cannot locate the source.

If you are buying or renting a home order a mold inspection
it’s time to give us a call. We will give you our best advice and schedule an inspection at you’re schedule.