Asthma Triggers

Gain Control of Your Asthma:

Americans spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors, and indoor allergens and irritants significantly trigger asthma attacks. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) symptoms are very broad and depend on the contaminant. They can easily be mistaken for symptoms of other illnesses such as allergies, stress, colds, and influenza. If you notice relief from your symptoms soon after leaving a particular room or building, your symptoms may be caused by indoor air contaminants.

Allergens inside your home

Triggers can cause asthma symptoms, an episode or attack, or worsen asthma. If you have asthma, you may react to just one trigger or find several things that act as triggers. Be sure to test your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) to determine what trigger is causing your asthma. Provide this information to your doctor to help him identify triggers and develop a treatment plan that includes ways to reduce exposure to your asthma triggers, such as:

Ultra Hygiene Services (UHS) helps reduce or eliminate allergy & asthma symptoms by identifying & suggesting how to eliminate the allergen or irritant causing the symptoms rather than masking the symptoms through medical treatment. Health concerns associated with Indoor Air Quality can extend well beyond the home. Improving Indoor Air Quality in the office can lead to better work performance and fewer missed workdays. Improving Indoor Air Quality for children can lead to higher test scores and lower absentee rates. Ultra Hygiene Services (UHS) is more than a mold inspection company. Almost anything associated with indoor air quality testing, including bacteria, VOCs, and other chemical compounds, can be sampled. We can do an analytical sampling of air and dust and identify allergens present in those medians.

We are here to Help. Consultations are free; I will answer questions and meet with you at your convenience, call today at (786) 800-4598.